Thursday 18 April 2013

OUGD503 // Module Evaluation

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
The main skills that i have learnt and developed through this module is my presentation and illustration skills. At the beginning of the year i identified that i needed to improve my illustration skills, to get them to a standard which i thought was in line with the rest of my design here. I took the opportunity of using this module to find briefs which needed me to use illustration and thus i had to work on the skill and develop how i worked through illustration design. I now feel that after doing a fair amount of work on illustration aspects that i have developed this skill further, i still want to carry on doing this and get it even higher, but i think from looking at my work in this module, you can see that my illustration is much better than previous.
The second thing i have massively improved on is my presentation skills. Not only being able to present ideas and concept better, but putting together presentation boards. I thought i was okay at them before, but then when i actually sat down and looked at them, i thought they were pretty weak. In order to improve this i have produced presentation boards at the end of every brief i have completed, i feel that this has improved my presentation skills alot further and i feel more confident in doing them now. Also having to submit to competitions through presentation boards made me up my game in them in order to present the idea and concept of the competition submission.
Throughout the module i have also been working publishing and branding which again i feel that i have improved these to a more professional standard and would be something i would design out in industry, i would happily include them in my portfolio because i think they are strongly design led.

2. What approaches to methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
Within to of my briefs i have worked on publishing and editorial design. Within this i wanted to explore the use of paper craft, format and stock. I wanted to take a different approach to them and make them more interactive for the user, this makes them more interesting and something someone will take the time to read. I feel through these briefs i have identified a strong aspect of design that i enjoy doing and looking at through the idea of publishing. I think thinking about formats and how to interactive with the publication is a strong point of mine and shown that i can excel in this area.
I have also worked on bookbinding another area of design which i enjoy, coming up with new binding techniques for my products and adapting things to work with the bind. This has been further developed within the work

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
I think within all this module i have taken a professional approach to it and tried to design work in which i would want to use within my portfolio. In doing this i think my work has defiantly become more professional looking and the concept and ideas behind them have been the driving force making them more than just something that looks good. This hasnt worked on every brief, but the majority i would say have.

I have taken alot more risks on this module, doing work which i normally wouldnt take on and entering competitions that i wouldnt normally do, but all of this has made me a better designer because i now have the confidence within myself to do it more and keep trying at new things. I have worked on a various different areas of design, which has shown me i can work across the board of design and produce well designed products.

The obvious strength for me when looking at the work as a whole is the publishing and illustration briefs, i think i have worked alot harder on these briefs and it shows in the products created. From the final crit i also got this feedback that these areas were my strongest. Combining this with format and bookbinding and i think these area all my strengths.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?
I think my main weakness within some of the brief have been not to push myself and be more creative / think about the concept more. I think this is shown in the greeting cards. At the time i was happy with the outcome, but looking back the final design of them isn't the best quality and i think if i had more time on it i could have pushed it further.
Also with the smaller briefs, just pushing them further to extend the product range and make them more into a project. I did do this towards the end of the module and created more of a product range from the main outline of the brief.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
- Push myself further in some aspects of design. - branding, illustration
- Take more time over the concept and think it through thoroughly from the beginning - this will result in more informed and better designed outcome in the end.
- Be more organised on module submission day - result in a much more stress free day!
- Keep up to date with blogging - not to leave blogging until the end and to also blog as i find things that have informed me about the design decisions, instead of leaving it in folder and me forgetting to blog them.
- Always think 'what can i do extra' in a brief. - extending the brief and making a larger product range, shows how the concept can be expanded and also that Im not just thinking of what i need to do to answer the brief, Im looking at it from a wider aspect.

Attendance - 5
Punctuality - 5
Motivation - 5
Commitment - 5
Quantity of work produced - 4
Quality of work produced - 4
Contribution to the Group - 4

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