Friday 2 December 2011

The New Idea

From the crit we took away all the ideas and feedback we were given and have now decided as a group on our final outcome.
We are going to produce a pocket guide that is for the travelling business person. This will include basic information on packing and other necessities and also have specific information on certain countries we have decided on.
The guide is going to be the size of a passport and the colour scheme will most probably be taken from the colour of the passport.

We have devised sections for the guide and content for each:

1. Appearance
- How to iron/fold a shirt
- How to pack

2. Good Impressions
- Eye contact
- Handshakes
- Tips for business meetings

3. Communication
- Language barrier
- Basic phrases

4. Transport
- Different types of transport in each country
- Important info on these - cost etc

5. Practical parts
- Notes
- Itinerary
- Receipt section
- Business card holder

Countries to be aimed at:
- China
- North America
- Dubai
- Germany
- Australia


From this we have all taken a section each and are going to research into it, from this we will then produce information/ illustrations to put in the guide. We will then all meet up to design the actual guide and put it all together. It is going to end up being about 30 pages.

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