Thursday 26 April 2012

Its your choice//Initial designs

The initial designs only apply to the second half of the publication in which i will be doing pattern designs based upon the colour contrasts. As the purpose of this brief is to experiment with colour digitally, i didn't want to get too hung up over designing the patterns before i made it digitally. I thought the better way to do it was to draw some initial, outlined ideas, so i knew what i was heading for, then when creating them digitally i can add more/less and see it how it looks when actually using the colour within the design. As when drawing it on paper i can't use the effects etc, so i don't actually know if it would work.

So anyway here are the initial ideas for the designs of the patterns

As you can see i want to keep them quite simple, using block colour and different fills to create the patterns. I don't want the patterns to be too intricate because that will take away from the fact that it is colour experimentation and you won't be able to see the colour/take any notice of it. By using block shapes and colours this makes the colour experimentation better as it will stand out more and be more obvious to the eye.
I have tried to explain next to each of the drawing what i would do with it digitally, this was just so i knew what i was planning on for each one, when i come to design them.

Within the publication the first section of the book is explaining the 7 contrasts, this involves text and image, so i need a layout for this section of the book. The second half is full page designs, so no layout is needed for that.
After looking at images online for inspiration i drew down some ideas and highlighted the ones i liked the best.

The one that i chose was the last layout that i designed, from this i took the layout design and digitalised it.

This is the final layout in which the pages will be based upon. I think this works really well for the publication as it is simple, clean and looks professional. When printed on nice quality stock it should look really good.

From this i did a couple of variations for the different pages i have within this first section of the book.

Title page. Again keeping it simple and straight to the point, the white space works well within this and gives the rest of the information room to breathe, which means its easier to read.

Introduction page. The first page in which you see in the publication. This is going to be an introduction into the publication. Again i have kept it simple, minimal and a structured layout. With the minimal text on this page, i think it sets up well for the rest of the publication, the writing will be short and sweet and straight to the point. This i feel reflects what the rest of the publication will be like and i think it sets a good first impression.

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