Friday 17 May 2013

OUGD505 // What is Good // App

Within crit for the concept and showing the ideas we were having and where we intended the project to be heading, i was told to look into indoor mapping and trying to create some sort of app which will act as an indoor mapping for the exhibition.
After looking into indoor mapping and seeing the sort of design that has been created around the idea of this. Along with this idea of indoor mapping, i needed a way to create the digital side of the exhibition accessible to the visitors so each person could view and listen to it all on their own and to make it a more interesting way to view the digital media.
As explained in the way finding post, the way in which the visitors will do this is by using the app to scan the symbols which gives them access to the digital media. This is the first section of the app.
The second section of the app is the way finding system. Here the user can use the app to navigate around the exhibition in either 2D or 3D mode, this make the exhibition experience personal to them and they can view it how ever they like. Also the symbols work in this section of the app, except the user doesnt have to scan them, when they get close to an exhibit with digital media built in, that symbol will pop up on the map and they can simply press it to view the content.
Design of App.
Design Sheets:

For the design of the app i had an idea in my head as i was thinking of the whole concept of it and how i wanted it to be displayed, the designs sheets are used to plan this out further and to get the ideas down on paper to further develop them. I wanted to take a simple route with the design and make it really user friendly so it is easy for anyone of any age that may be visiting the museum to view and use.
The app has the personal feel to it too, to run with the idea of making it their own experience.

I have based the design of the screenshots on the iphone 5. As i will propose that either the iphone or ipod touch will be used within the exhibition. Also these will be available to use for the day for those visitors that dont have there own iphone or ipod touch. The reception would be able to book these out for the visitors. Again this is making the technology and experience available for everyone that enters the exhibition.

Welcome screens
Inform me - scanning symbols to find out more information
Direct me - navigation system to guide the user around the exhibition.

Welcome section
The welcome section of the app is where the personal touch lays within the app itself. This section makes the app personal to every user that logs on. This way the user makes them feel more important and as though there has been time spent to make it and make everyone happy.
First welcome screen that appears when the app is launched
The user will first be welcomed with this screen. Here the user must scan the barcode on their ticket to be able to access the app. This makes it exclusive to the visitors of the exhibition and as though they are entering into a special club - again making it more interesting and adding a value to the idea.

Once the user has scanned their ticket, this screen will appear. Here the personal touch has come into play. By scanning the barcode this links the visitors profile on the exhibition network, so the app can access their last name and display the information above. This is to make them feel more valued and adds a wow factor because most people will react with 'how does it know my name' etc.

Inform me
The inform me section is all about finding out more information. As the exhibition is audio and visual these elements had to be available to every visitor and be able for each visitor to see this media in their own time and personally for themselves. If the exhibition was full of videos playing at the same time, it wouldn't be the best environment or atmosphere. In order to combat this, i have designed this section off the app.

As part of the way finding system symbols are built within the exhibits for those that have a digital media linked into the information displayed. These are split into 4 categories - information, video, recording and speech.
When you go onto this section of the app, this screen will appear. The user simply scans one of the symbols shown on the exhibit.
By doing this in this way, it is again putting the visitor in control of what they see and what they experience of the exhibition. They can choose weather to scan the symbol and view the visual or audio section of the exhibition. Or they could just watch one of the sections, it is completely up to the visitor - making the exhibition their own personal experience.

Once they have scanned a symbol, one of the following screens will appear to show the extra content of the exhibit.
Information page. This shows extra information through text and image on screen which the user can scroll and read through.
The video screen looks like this. When the user accesses this page, they simply press the play button in the middle of the screen. If the device is turned to landcape then the video will rotate and turn to full screen.
The recording and speech screens have the same layout because they are essentially the same - in how they are displayed and played back. Both screens have the built in player, which allows the user the play, pause or stop the recorded file. The timer at the bottom shows how lin the clip is for and where they are on it. This again is putting the user at the heart of the exhibition and letting them take control.

Direct Me
This section of the app is to allow the user to navigate around the exhibition space. The map comes in 2D and 3D forms. With the extra information that the user can access this will be accessed by the symbols popping up on screen when they get close to the exhibit with the information.
2D map. At the bottom of the screen you can see the 2D - 3D toggle which changes the view of the map. In the opposite corner is the floor selector. The user simply clicks on the icon and the the rest of the floors will show and the user can then select the floor they wish to view.
This is a closer view of the floor selector. When the user click on the floor icon, it expands to show all the floors that are available to view - they can then choose the floor they wish to view and the map on screen will change accordingly.
Whilst in the 2D view, the user will see a blue dot on the map, this locates where they are within the exhibition space. When the dot gets closer to an exhibition which has digital media within the exhibit the symbols that correspond to that will pop up and the user can then select the one they wish to view. This will take them through the screen in the INFORM ME section.
3D map. When first viewing you will the see the exhibition in 3D form - just as you would see it normally. The map is pre-loaded to the app, so you dont have to be on the same floor you are viewing on the device. Agin the 2D-3D toggle is present in the bottom corner, along with the floor selector, which works in the same way as described above.
To navigate around the exhibition space using the 3D map, the user simply uses the arrows on the bottom of the screen to navigate around the exhibition space. In the top corner the compass shows the user which way they are facing.
The final screen shows the symbols that are present around the exhibition space within the exhibits. When the symbols shows up on the screen on the app, the user can click on the them and the information will be displayed on screen like in the INFORM ME section of the app.

Presentation boards:
Mocking the screens up on the iphone show the app in context and how it would look on the device. I think that the gradient stands out well against the black of the iphone - the contrast between the two are great.
I think this sits really well within the design of the iphone and looks good on there too. The gradient has made it more aesthetically pleasing and the concept in general works well for what i want it to do - PUT THE USER / VISTOR IN CONTROL.
Explaining the app.

Welcome screens

Interface design - explaining the two sections of the app.

Inform me section.
Inform me section.
Direct me Section - 2D
Direct me Section - 3D

Presentation Boards

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