Sunday, 12 May 2013

OUGD505 // What is Good // Posters

As part of the promotional material, i am going to design 3 posters. These posters will be are different sizes and each one will be different in design but all promote the event in the same style.
Poster designs:
- large image based
- type & image based
- logo based.
I will create a A2, A3 and 2:1 proportion poster at either A2 or A3.
Design sheets:
First design if what the posters could look like. This also includes the information and any other ideas/imagery that needs to be involved in the design for the posters.
Further exploring the design of the posters, looking a the use of the gradient, imagery and type working together within the composition.
More designs of what the posters could look like aesthetically.

A3 Poster
With this poster i wanted to use the photograph of John Reith - the founder of BBC. This was the best quality image i could find to work with the size of the print, hence it being the smaller of the three sizes. This photo is a black and white image in which i have edited to bring ou the white the most, so when it was on the blending mode, it stood out more.
The type was developed to create a block on of text for the main title, one in which worked together as full event title, but so it could also be worked around with the additional type and other elements of the poster.
The smaller text fits into place nicely with the title being designed in the way it is. I took this poster to the concept crit and this brought up the idea of the colour orange and the black and white photos. People in my crit group thought it had a style of propaganda and in particular this photo made the poster quite serious and maybe hard hitting to look at especially for a exhibition.

Working the poster back up with the new colour scheme i think it has a completely different feel to it. The image isnt as bold and in your face as the previous design and the new colour scheme has a calming feel to it so it doesnt give that menacing / hard hitting style to the poster. Changing the smaller type to work with the background colour, finished off this poster and has now made it into a poster i am happy to include within the promotional material.

2:1 Ratio Poster

This poster was to incorporate the idea of type and image. I wanted to work the original image of the microphone into the promotional material and have it as a secondary identity to the event, but something which is identified within the promo material. This would be used as the main poster for the event as it encompasses all the main information bout the event and has more about the history of it by including the various imagery around the design.

Again in the crit the use of the black and white photography against the orange was commented on about being propaganda, but again once i have worked it up into the new colour scheme it has worked much better. The main microphone image blends in with the gradient really well and you can see all three colours merging through that image. Also the yellow brings out the photos at the bottom more and makes them stand out a little extra than before.

I still think the logo could maybe be placed in a better place, but at the minute i think it works okay being there. I think if it was at the top it would make it too cluttered and ruin the contrast between the white type and black detailed image.

A2 poster
Within the publication i am creating for the exhibition, one of them is an exhibition guide, this is done in the format of a concertina fold, but i am doing it is an A2 sheet folds in half to create the two sides. This means i can put a poster design within the publication. This is what the A2 poster will be used for.

With this poster i have kept it much more simple than the rest because it is only being used within the publication and as this publication folds up, i didn't want there to be a lot of detail within it which is lost when the page got folded up so many times.
The basis of this poster is using the logo for the exhibition, i wanted to create something around this logo, but because it is round at the top it proved harder to work with especially with the type i had, as i wanted to keep this consistent across all the posters.
For the exhibition guide i think this poster works well, it is simple and straight to the point, the users of the publication will understand what it is about and be able to read it clearly.

Creating a range of posters:
I have decided that the middle poster - the 2:1 ratio poster is going to be the main poster for promoting the exhibition, i think this because the design is alot stronger and eye catching than the others and it incorporates a lot of the ideas for communicating the exhibition - with the use of the imagery.
As this will be the main poster, i thought it would be good to create a range of posters from this which could be used along it. These differ from each other, but originate from the first poster.

Within all three posters they have some elements which are the same and kept from the original poster, but i did deliberately change the design slightly to make them differ from the main poster but still be in keeping and to used as a range of poster to promote the event.
The idea that i have taken from the original poster is to use the 3 images within it to create the individual poster, these images signify certain areas which are covered within the exhibition - 2LO Calling, History of the BBC Radio, Presenters / Shows - past and present. Along with the same elements of the design being present in all posters, this creates a range of promotional posters for the exhibition.

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