Monday 20 May 2013

OUGD505 // What is Good // Publications

The publications for this brief are all centered around the exhibition itself. I am going to create three publications; one being an information booklet, this will use the research which i collated in the first brief to create a publication on the background of the exhibition. This is needed because the exhibition is aimed for educational purposes and the information booklet is something the students can take away and use.
The second publication is a concertina fold, this is the exhibition guide and covers all the information about the exhibition and museum space.
The third and final one is the exhibition map. This displays the exhibition map and is a way for the user to navigate around the exhibition.

The three booklets are all different sizes and formats, this creates a good range and set of publications to work within the products of the exhibition branding. As all three are different but fit within each other i can create a pack for the publications which can be displayed around the exhibition space and on the reception desk. It is a good thing to have for the vistors to pick up and have everything they need to learn about the exhibition and to get around it, it would also be good for something to take away from the exhibition.

Design sheets:

With the publications I want to create a range of them for the exhibition- for these I have decided to use three different formats to create the range. Each format is suitable for the content of the publication.

All three publications and the research booklet will be based around the same grid and column system, this will show consistency across the board of the publications and show that they are within the same promotional pack for the same branding. This was something that I saw within my research of promotional material and exhibition branding - to make a range of products identify within the design in some way. This is how I have done it, so the layout is similar through all but applied differently because of the different formats.

Information booklet - this booklet contains information about the history and research behind the exhibition, because it is an educational exhibition this would be useful for the students to take away.

Experimenting with the chosen layout to show variations that can be taken within that chosen design.

Exhibition map guide, this is a printed version of the map and splits down the exhibition into the three floors. This shows what is on each floor and the view of some parts of the exhibition to give the user a taste of the exhibition. Again the 3 column grid has been used but applied differently in each design above.

More experimentation with the design which I have chosen to use within this publication.

The concertina booklet is about the exhibition space itself and the things it has to offer, so really it is general information about the museum instead of about the exhibition spaces itself.

This is the plan of the concertina booklet. As it is designed as one flat sheet of paper I had to plan which section of the publication would go where within it for it fold up right and read in the right order.

From the design sheets i had a clear view of what i wanted to create and how to lay it out. The layout and design of the publications will be consistent across the board to tie them all together and make them a set of publications. The layout of each will differ depending on the content for each publication.

Front cover designs
For the design of the publications I have designed the publication front cover separate to the inside so that I had more room within the publication pages to place the content. For the front covers I wanted to keep them consistent and tie in with the rest of the promotional material, I have obviously used the gradient as the colour for the covers, but then used each image from the separate posters I created to tie them all together. These images I have tried to connect them best to the content of the publication.
I thought I could work the front cover designs as the gradient themselves, so splitting the colours down to the green yellow and blue which each publication would use within the front cover.
Using the blue within the gradient and creating a new gradient from white to blue to create the front cover background colour. This didn't work that well because the white at the bottom of the front cover doesn't show the white rectangular border showing through as strong.
Instead I opted for using the solid blue colour, which works much better as a whole for the front cover.
Lastly I tried out the front cover design with the branding gradient, which I think looks much better than the blue, first of all it ties in with the rest of the other products and the colour of the gradient works well with the image because it shows the gradient within the image and makes that more interesting to look at. This is the way that I am going to go with the design of the front covers.

Moving onto the second front cover design this is for the smaller publication which is the map guide.
Again I have experimented with the design by trying out th design with the use of the yellow colour. But because the colour was a pastel yellow and quite light the image used had to be set to multiple for it work with the yellow background colour. This I didn't like because on the other two front covers I have used screen on the the images and this has lightened the images, this was also used across all the posters and other promotional material, so using this image and lending mode would make this particular product stand out against the others and look out of place within the set of promotional products.
After doing the design above I tired it with the gradient, but again this would make this particular publication and product stand out from the rest and not be within the product range.

Also if i was to use this design then the title wouldn't be able to work the same way as it has on the previous covers, I wouldn't be able to have it in the blue from the gradient because of the darker image within the cover, this again would make it out of place within the product range.

In order to change this and to make this cover work with the product range and be consistent with the rest of them, I found a new image that cold be used. The two designs above are using two different images which I have found and that both work with the design. I have decided to use the first design because you can see more detail in the image than the one below and the title stands out more against this image.

Publication Design:
For the publications i have used the same grid throughout them all, this makes a consistent design flow throughout all the products and makes them all identify as the same product range. 

Concertina Booklet:
The concertina booklet has all the information about the exhibition and museum space within as the content. As the stock used was A2 i simply split this down to 4 equal sections which created the A5 sized folded concertina booklet. In the middle of the concertina booklet would be a poster to promote the exhibition further. 

Plan of exhibition booklet, by using the guides i was able to split the a2 sheet into each page of the concertina fold, this gave me guidelines to work within and to create the page for each one. The top side of the publication had to be flipped 180 degrees so that when it was folded up it would read the right way around. 

Taking this poster from the posters i have created this will advertise the exhibition further and be something the the vistors can take away with them and use as memorabilia.

Moving onto the design of the publication content. Here i wanted to keep it nice and simple, by creating a simple and clean page layout the information will sit nicely within the given space and make it an easy read for the user of the publication.  

The about section is about the background of the exhibition, this uses content from the research i initially did at the beginning of the project and also the images which are used across the branding and posters. This again links all the products and makes them all consistent across the formats. 

Exhibition and galleries, this gives brief information about the galleries and exhibitions that are set up within the BBC exhibition. Again the simple use of using the full page to lay out the information and a quick adjustment of the title headings make them stand out against the rest of the body copy, highlighting what that section of the page is about. 

Getting around is a section about the way finding app and what the user can do with it within the exhibition space. 

Speaking about the workshops that the exhibition hold. This page uses the simple grid and apples the text across the full width of the page. 

Down scaling the exhibition map which i created earlier on in the module made it able to be fitted within this publication and on one of the back pages, this links the content with the directions of the exhibition and the way finding system, having the map available to see and use within your hands is always a good thing and something that some people would rather use - appealing to all ages. 

The simple but effective contents page. Even though this page is small and only contains a small amount of information it is needed so the user can flick to the page they need instead of having to look through the whole publication in the first place. 

Front cover and back cover of this publication. Both covers use on of the images from the posters - this again links the promo and exhibition material together. 

Information Booklet:
Again within this publication i have used the same 3 column grid in which i designed within my design sheets and used throughout all the publications. This gives me the most variable amount of design layouts within the pages. The content within this publication is taken from my research and the research booklet. 
Using the same design style for the contents page creates a small table to present the contents of the publication. 

John Reith the founder of the BBC -  this goes through some of the history of John Reith and how he changed the BBC. 

90 years of radio and 2lo calling, here we look back at the first radio transmitter and what the 90 years of radio consisted of and why it is significant. 

2LO calling the song created by albarn, this is the breakdown of the song and what is involved within the lyrics of the song.

influential presenters and shows demonstrates how the radio has developed over time. 

Again using key events to create a timeline of events which have happened across the radio. These are significant events within the radio. 

To finish with we have another poster which advertisers the exhibition further. This is another poster taken from the range of poster that i have designed for the project.

As you can see within these designs of the publication the 3 column grid has been present within all publication designs, and the versatility of this is shown in the various layouts of each page within the publication. I think using this grid has worked well for this publication and created interesting layout throughout, all which you can see are in keeping with each other and the other publications within the range of printed material. 

Map Guide:
Again carrying on using the same grid and column system from the two publications above, this is the final publication in the series of publications for the exhibition and the inform the visitors of the exhibition. 
This publication gives everybody the chance, no matter what age to see what the exhibition is about and to be able to navigate themselves around the exhibition. I think it is important to appeal to all ages with an exhibition because you dont really know who will come along, you can target it at a certain audience but that doesnt stop older or younger visitors coming along to it - hence why i have done a printed map, mainly for the older audience as they wont be in touch with the technology of the way finding devices. 
Starting again with the same layout and design of the contents page - this links all three together and makes them a set of publications instead of being three separate ones.

As you can see here the three column grid looks as though it isn't present in these designs, but it is, its just used differently to work with the content. The design is spread over the three columns, with the images over two columns. On the text side of the page the text is spread over two columns and the third being blank to leave the map section spread across the full page

Moving onto the next page, again the same grid as above has been used, this is the next floor up. You can still see that the grid is flexible because i have been able to change the layout of the images, which is what i needed in order to make the content work for each floor - the images will be placed different because the map differs on each floor. 

Finally the final floor uses a similar layout to the one above, this is just slightly changed to best the all the content within the publication page area. The images give an insight into what the exhibition looks like and how the information is displayed. 

On the final page there is the exhibition map again, this is full bleed within the page area and is there to link each of the floors together to create the museum and exhibition spaces for the BBC Radio Exhibition. 

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