I have decided that i am going to package the cards in a clear cellophane wallet, this will hold the cards and envelopes and have a card belly band type package, which will come half way up the front and then wrap underneath and up the back of the cards. This will hold information about the card range, but also be a way to make the packaging more rigid and protect the cards from being damaged.
Here was the initial idea, in which it was just going to be a small insert on the front of the wallet to show that it was within the card range and that its a collection of cards. But i wanted to include more information about the idea behind the cards and this had no protection for the cards.
This brought me to my second idea, which is what i have explained above. A wrap around packaging; the front will go about half way up the front card, this still leaves the top to see the card and the kind of style of it, the card will wrap underneath the cards and then up the back, this will hold information on the range of card and the idea behind them, a small thumbnail of each card - so you can all designs and a barcode etc.
The male packaging.
The female packaging.
Each packaging is the same except for the card designs. I think this has been thought out well and again is in keeping with the card range, it will provide the needed protection for the cards, but also provide the customer with more details about the cards. Its also nicer to receive a package of cards like this, than having them loose.