Monday 5 March 2012

Telling the truth//further progress

After our crit on friday we said we were going to work on ideas over the weekend. We came back together as a group to see what everyone had done.

Insert design sheets

After looking at everyones ideas we decided we liked the idea of 'lies leads to loneliness' with this we had a few ideas going around -
- using a pattern (diamonds) with peoples names on it, when the slips go in it would cover up the names showing you are left on your own.
Insert image
- using a illustrated face of family/friends, when the slips go in covers up the faces leaving you on your own again.
Insert image

The top idea was martins and i had the bottom idea, as an experiment we tried the both ideas together

Mikey also came up with the idea of using the message 'dont drown in your lies' and then an image of a person which when the slips fall in it covers the person to make them look like there drowning.

After looking at all the designs we decided to go with the first idea, we feel that it portrays the message well and looks good as a design too. Now we have this idea we started to look at colour and different variations of the design to see which looks the best

As we were doing this we came up with the idea of having the diamonds made out of foam board so it has a 3D effect within the design on the back panel, we all liked this idea and thought it would add more depth to the design and look a lot better, so we have run that idea, we are now going to experiment with this on smaller versions to get this right.

As we got feedback on the way the message is going to be sent out, we have decided that we are going to film the process of the installation filling up, this will hopefully show the message of the brief and people will understand it. This video will then be put onto out vimeo site (which we set up today also) and we will produce stickers to direct the audience to this site to see the installation and see what they have participated in.

From this we have split the rest of the work up, mikey is going to concentrate on the banner to go above the installation as a promotion banner, i am going to look at producing some stickers, again for promotion and to direct the people to the vimeo site. Nikki is going to look at the text to put on the video.

We also came up with the name 'lonely lies' this was just an of chance that we came up with it when making the vimeo page and we all liked it so stuck with it!

I felt that today was all about making decisions and moving forward with the brief and i think that we have done this, we have made all the relevant decisions we needed to make and now we can move forward with this and get it all done to a high standard.


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